ALTAAS Topologies Sdn Bhd
Unit D-8-05, Oasis Square (Building Capital 4)
No. 2, Jalan PJU1A/7A,
Ara Damansara,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
+6016-396 6868

CableFree UNITY

CableFree UNITY CableFree UNITY Networking Accessories Network Communication Solutions
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CableFree UNITY

CableFree UNITY Platform:   Ultimate in Wireless Connectivity

CableFree UNITY is an industry-leading Multi-Gigabit, Carrier-Grade, Long Distance alternative to Fibre Optic Networks.

CableFree UNITY brings together best-of-breed Wireless Networking technologies to provide the industry’s most powerful Wireless Networking system

  • Highest Capacity: Up to 4x 10Gbps full duplex (40Gbps Aggregate)
  • Longest Range: Up to 200km or more
  • Highest Availability: Up to 99.9999% (6-nines) or higher

CableFree UNITY: MMW+Radio Installation

A huge technological advance in Wireless Transmission

CableFree UNITY is a major advance over previous generations of wireless links and combines the latest in wireless technologies into a single platform, which can be extended in a flexible manner, to add capacity and capabilities when and as needed:

CableFree UNITY solution with FSO and Radio in the British Virgin Islands

Component-based Wireless Solution: Ultimate in Flexibility

A CableFree UNITY solution comprises these “building blocks” as a flexible component-based solution integrated into a single networking infrastructure.   By adding on these elements as building blocks, a bespoke solution is provided for each customer network.  Unity advantages include:
  • Longer Range in all weather zones
  • Higher Capacity:  Up to 40Gbps today
  • Higher Availability: Up to 99.9999% or higher – “better than fibre”
  • No single-point-of-failure
  • “Pay as you grow” scalability & future proof upgrades

CableFree UNITY – FSO+Radio Installation in London

CableFree UNITY platform combines the best of MMW, FSO, Microwave and MIMO Radio: Resilience, Capacity & Range

Extend Capacity, Range and Availability in all weather conditions

A UNITY solution achieves weather independence by using complementary technologies over the transmission path, where effects such as tropical rain, snow, fog and dust storms are overcome by ensuring that sufficient active live paths are available.  Current existing links using a single traditional wireless technology have inherent weaknesses based on the electromagnetic spectrum wavelength that it uses – for example light-based FSO is negatively impacted by fog, while radio-based Millimeter Wave frequencies are susceptible to rain fade. Combining diverse, complementary technologies allows CableFree to overcome this using Wide Wavelength Diversity (WWD) and ensure that the combined link achieves uptime of 100% or as close as physically possible.

CableFree UNITY FSO+MMW in Athens

UNITY: Increased Capacity

The combined link technologies gives increased capacity.  For example, adding 1Gbps MMW and 1Gbps FSO gives 2Gbps.  Each path may have 99.99% uptime – which means 2Gbps during 99.99% of the time, dropping to 1Gbps for the few minutes per year.
In practice, 2x or 3x capacity increase can be achieved using UNITY

UNITY: Extends Range

Using diverse wireless media with complimentary fade mechanisms: for example MMW fades in rain but not fog, FSO fades in fog but not rain. The two never occur together.  Radio links are unaffected by rain.  A composite UNITY link can offer the longest range compared to any one technology alone.
In practice, 2x or 3x range extension can be achieved using UNITY

UNITY: Increased Availability

Using diverse media ensures highest possible availability.  No one failure mechanism exists with UNITY: Each path may have for example 99.99% uptime – but with complimentary fade mechanisms, the composite link will attain far higher availability as one link path will always be “up” even if the other experiences a few seconds or minutes outage.
In practice, 99.999%, 99.9999% or higher can easily be achieved using UNITY

UNITY: Link Intelligence

Software Defined Networking (SDN) in CableFree UNITY is used to ensure that the user network traffic is prioritised over the available airside bandwidth in a highly customisable, intelligent manner and ensures simplicity, flexibility, transparency and great control of user traffic and experience.

UNITY: Installation Gallery

CableFree UNITY MMW + Radio Installation

CableFree UNITY MMW + Radio Installation

CableFree UNITY: FSO + Radio Installation

CableFree UNITY: MMW + Radio Installation

CableFree UNITY installation: FSO and Radio

CableFree UNITY FSO + Radio deployed with Resilient Radio Path in UNITY configuration

CaleFree UNITY FSO + Radio UNITY installation, London

CableFree UNITY: MMW + Radio Installation

CableFree UNITY: MMW + Radio Installation

Easy to upgrade and maintain

CableFree UNITY offers huge advantage over attempts by vendors to make “one box” solutions: if any element of the solution requires replacement, upgrade, then it can be exchanged or added without affecting customer network service over the existing UNITY elements.

Fully Available and Shipping

CableFree UNITY is already shipping and fully available worldwide through Approved CableFree Partners.  The solutions are used extensively by Corporates, 4G/LTE Network Operators, Government, Banking, Healthcare, Education and Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) networks

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